
Young Investigator Award

Under management of the Committee for Scientific Affairs and Awards

+ AIMS (click to open/close)

There are up to two awards made each year available: one for clinical research and the other one for basic research. These awards will be made to outstanding young investigators in the field of paediatric infectious diseases. 

+ ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA (click to open/close)

To be eligible to apply:

  • Must be “good standing” ESPID member at the time of the deadline. (click here to download the ESPID "good standing" member criteria) and current membership fees must be paid up in full before the application.
  • On the day of the application deadline, you must meet the criteria for Young ESPID Membership.

Applications will first be assessed for eligibility and completeness by the ESPID secretariat. Applications not fulfilling all of these criteria will not be put forward for judging. You application and any support documents should be in English. ESPID will only support one award relating to any one project. If you feel you have a project which more than one award would cover you should select and apply to only one ESPID award. If you have other awards/grants which are pending or have been recently funded, you must indicate this in your application and clearly state what support has been requested/agreed and when a decision is expected.


+ AWARD (click to open/close)

The winner will receive:

  • Euro 5,000 to be paid to the host institution for research purposes only. The host institution is not allowed to take any overhead on this amount (see declaration below)
  • At the time of being offered the award successful candidates will be invited to attend that year's ESPID Annual Meeting with registration, travel and accommodation being offered (if already registered, this will be refunded).  Please be aware the travel and accommodation are subject to ESPID Rules and maximum amounts apply
  • The Young Investigator’s medal
  • The winner will be asked to give a 5 minute presentation of their work at the ESPID   Annual Meeting

+ APPLICATION PROCEDURE (click to open/close)

Applicants should inlcude the following as part of their online application:

Deadline20th December each year 

Curriculum vitae (Font 12 minimum, 2cm margins) to include:

  • Family name, forenames and initials, titles (Dr. etc)
  • Current position and dates
  • Corresponding and work addresses, telephone numbers, email address
  • Date of birth
  • Date (month, year) of medical qualification, PhD award or highest degree/qualification if neither
  • Nationality
  • Academic history: List all educational institutions/universities attended after secondary   school - include dates of attendance, field of study, degrees and diplomas with dates   awarded and grades if appropriate
  • Clinical training and other occupational experience – give dates, details of post title,   location and grade
  • Details of any publications (citing full reference details), presentations at meetings (give name, location and date of meeting, title of presentation, names of authors and whether oral or poster), prizes and distinctions (full details, including both undergraduate and post graduate awards)
  • A description of your overall contribution to PID together with your future goals in the field. This statement must not exceed two A4 pages
  • Signature and date


Signed declaration will be requested as part of your onine application:

“We confirm that no money received from ESPID for this award will be used for any overhead charges or infrastructural costs made by the hosting institution or institutions”.

Date: ________________________________________________________________

Applicant signature: ____________________________________________________

Head of Department signature: ___________________________________________

Finance Officer signature*: ______________________________________________

* Only needed if host organisation requires it to confirm statement about overhead or infrastructural costs.

Eligible applications will then be judged by the members of the ESPID Committee for Scientific Affairs and Awards according to the following criteria (outcomes in brackets):

  1. Is the overall contribution best classified as clinical or basic science? - (C/B)
  2. Does the contribution address a topical PID area in an original way? (i.e. new data of relevance to PID) (1-10 Max 10)
  3. Evidence of development of a personal original and sustainable line of research in the field of paediatric infectious diseases (1-20 Max 20)

Details of the outcome of applications will be dispatched to applicants as soon as possible before the meeting to facilitate travel plans.

The use of AI tools (such as chatGPT) in grant preparation is allowed. In your cover letter, please acknowledge any use of artificial intelligence tools (e.g., chatGPT) in the preparation of your grant. Include the tool that was used, and the way in which it was used (e.g., we used chatGPT to draft the background of the proposal).