
ESPID/INOPSU Infection Surveillance Research Grant - OPEN ALL YEAR

Under management of the Committee for Research

+ Rationale (click to open/close)

A number of countries have established paediatric surveillance units (see and have undertaken surveillance of rare paediatric infections. Undertaking surveillance across 2 or more countries, using standardised methods, would provide added study power and may yield results that can be extrapolated more widely. Such results can then lead to new intervention or prevention research or strategies.

This is a new research grant that supports infection surveillance across 2 or more European countries and aims to facilitate infection surveillance research in Europe by ESPID researchers. The grant would support the administrative costs of the relevant surveillance units (which vary and can be provided by the INOPSU coordinator) and a small amount of essential consumables to a maximum of 20,000 Euros. 

+ Process and Final Report (click to open/close)


There will be one grant round per year with a deadline of March 1st.

In their application the applicant must identify key co-investigators in the relevant countries and must have received provisional approval from the INOPSU coordinator. They will be expected to present their results at the ESPID annual meeting and the INOPSU annual meeting and to publish them in a peer-reviewed journal. Please clearly state who is making the application.

Applicants are required to submit a satisfactory final report and using the online awards system 1 year later. The report should include a breakdown of costs detailing any remaining resources with an explanation detailing a proposal of how remaining monies would be spent. You application and any support documents should be in English.  Any applicant that does not do so will be disqualified from further ESPID awards of all kind until these are received and have been approved. The final report will be approved by the Committee.

ESPID will only support one award relating to any one project. If you feel you have a project which more than one award would cover you should select and apply to only one ESPID award. If you have other awards/grants which are pending or have been recently funded, you must indicate this in your application and clearly state what support has been requested/agreed and when a decision is expected.


+ Eligibility criteria (click to open/close)

  • Applicant must be a paid up ESPID member at the time of application and in "good standing" at the time of the deadline (see the ESPID "good standing" member criteria).
  • Applications of high scientific quality from members who have not previously received substantial research funding will be judged favourably.
  • Applications from AREAS of Europe where there is currently little or no such work going on.
  • Research must be obviously and directly relevant to paediatric infectious diseases
  • If you were previously successful in receiving this award and wish to re-apply for a second year, re-applications will be accepted once only. 

+ Research Proposal (click to open/close)

The research proposal online applicaton will request the following:

Applicants Name:


Abstract (up to 150 words)

Background / Introduction (fully referenced)

Research question to be addressed

Plan of investigation (this should include a timetable, details of methodologies to be used and where, exactly, each part of the research work will be done.

Breakdown of the funding requested



+ Criteria for assessment (click to open/close)

Is the introduction fully researched and clearly presented?                                    5 
Is there a clearly formulated objective which can be reached in 1 year max  5 
Is there a clearly structured plan which identifies the methodologies to be used  10 
Is the proposal original, or will it address questions which have been or are being addressed by others?  5 
Is the protocol well presented and clearly written?  5 
Will the proposal lead to improved infection surveillance infrastructure and activity in an area of Europe where there is currently little or no such work going on?


Applications Open 01 January 2025 Log in to apply
Applications Close 28 February 2025
Period Covered2025