
Training Course and Workshop Award

Under management of the Committee for Education

+ AIMS (click to open/close)

The aim of this scheme is to fund training courses and workshops in PID. These can be directed at clinical trainees, continuing medical education for career grade doctors or both. Applicants should indicate whether the course is intended primarily to fulfil local training needs or as a central European initiative. Training courses and workshops should be clearly aimed at the development of national training programmes in Paediatric Infectious Diseases.

The maximum financial support allocated to an award will be up to 12,000 Euros (see table for reference of maximum expected awarded budget for courses of varying sizes). ESPID is only willing to part fund (up to a maximum of 50%) of the overall costs of courses. Evidence of other income from grants, sponsorship and registration payments should be included in the budget of the application.

 Delegates x Hours  Expected Award
50 1000
100  1650 
150 2000 
200 2800 
350 4200 
500 5400 
750 6800 
1000 8000 
1250 9000 
1500 10000
1750 10500
2000 11000
2350 11500
2500 12000

APPLICATION DEADLINES15th January and the 15th June

Applications should be submitted for the Application Deadline that is at least 3 months before the proposed date(s) of the course. If the deadline is missed application must be made in next round. Please see the table below for deadline.

Course date

Application Deadline Date (please ensure your application reaches us by this date)

Applicant notified of the outcome


15th June of the preceding year

By 1st August of the preceding year


15th June of the preceding year

By 1st August of the preceding year


15th June of the preceding year

By 1st August of the preceding year


15th January of the course year

By 1st March of the course year


15th January of the course year

by 1st March of the course year


15th January of the course year

By 1st March of the course year


15th January of the course year

by 1st March of the course year


15th January of the course year

by 1st March of the course year


15th January of the course year

By 1st March of the course year


15th June of the course year

By 1st August of the course year


15th June of the course year

By 1st August of the course year


15th June of the course year

By 1st August of the course year

Payments (1st 50% of the total awarded) will be made within 6 weeks after notification.

+ WHAT IS COVERED (click to open/close)


The awards are designed to be flexible and rapidly processed – we will aim to respond to all applications within one month after the deadline. It is intended that the awards will provide support towards essential costs of the meeting, which might include administration costs, hire of premises and equipment, travel subsistence and accommodation costs for teachers and delegates. However, unusually expensive running or accommodation costs will reduce the likelihood of funding.

ESPID will only support one award relating to any one project. If you feel you have a project which more than one award would cover you should select and apply to only one ESPID award. If you have other awards/grants which are pending or have been recently funded, you must indicate this in your application and clearly state what support has been requested/agreed and when a decision is expected.

This award should not pay indirect costs to the host or home institution (see declaration below). As part of your application you are requested to upload the following, signed headed declaration from the host institution:

• “We confirm that no money received from ESPID for this award will be used for any overhead charges or infrastructural costs made by the hosting institution or institutions”.

• Date: ______________________________________________________________

• Applicant signature: ____________________________________________________

• Head of Hosting Department signature: ____________________________________________

• Finance Officer signature*: ____________________________________________________

 * Only needed if host organisation requires it to confirm statement about overhead or infrastructural costs.



  • Must be “good standing” ESPID member at the time of the deadline. (click here to download the ESPID "good standing" member criteria) and membership fees must be paid up in full before the application.
  • Previous track record in organisation and delivery of post-graduate education and/or courses and/or academic meeting organisation is an advantage.
  • Final reports and budgets MUST be submitted within 3 months of the course completion, if not received within the deadline the second payment could be cancelled.
  • Final reports and budgets must have been received and approved by ESPID before any further application from any previous applicant or from another applicant on behalf of a society, institution or organisation which received a previous award will be processed.

+ ESSENTIAL CRITERIA – COURSE (click to open/close)

  • Must be directly relevant to paediatric infectious diseases
  • Must be held in a European location
  • Must be open to all interested ESPID members although other interested delegates may also enrol
  • Must have reduced price registration fees for ESPID members
  • Must have specific training objectives. Where these are primarily directed at trainees, it will be an advantage if they map specifically and identifiably onto areas of the PID training syllabus as published by ESPID
  • There is an expectation that ESPID supported courses will have a faculty which represents gender diversity

+ APPLICATION PROCEDURE (click to open/close)

All applicants must supply the following information:

  1. Estimated number of delegates
  2. Total number of hours of education that the course is providing (excluding lunch breaks and evening dinners etc)
  3. Total number of invited Faculty, indicating number of local faculty.
  4. Estimated expenses of the course
  5. You application and any support documents should be in English.

If successful in obtaining ESPID funding, once the course has been held you will be asked to submit a final report that must provide the following information:

  1. Final number of delegates attending the course
  2. Final expenses of the course
  3. Total income for the course
  4. Balance (please note if a surplus has been made)
  5. Feedback from delegates

Procedure for processing and making awards

Applications received by the ESPID Secretariat will be checked to ensure they fulfil all the required eligibility criteria and include all required elements. Incomplete or incorrect applications will not be considered further and applicants informed to this effect. Complete and correct applications will be forwarded for approval to the members of the ESPID Committee for Education who will reach a decision within three weeks. Applicants will be informed of the decision one month after applications deadline.

Payment of the award will be made 50% upon receipt of finalised programme and advertising material (which must acknowledge support from ESPID), and 50% after receipt of a final report and budget (MUST be submitted within 3 months of the course) by the ESPID Secretariat and approval of the final report by the Committee and the final budget by the Treasurer. These will be processed within 4 weeks of receipt of the report and final budget by the ESPID Secretariat, but payment will only be made if they are complete and correct (see below). No payments will be made to individuals.

+ FINAL REPORTS (click to open/close)

Applicants are required to submit a satisfactory final report and budget of the course or workshop to the ESPID Secretariat at within 3 months of completion of the course. All the documents should be in English. Any applicant or organisation that does not do so will be disqualified from further ESPID awards of all kinds until these are received and have been approved.

The final report should include the number of delegates who attended, the final programme, a summary of delegate feedback from delegates (which should be systematically collected during the course).

The finalised budget of expenditure and income (including supporting documents for all major items of expenditure greater than 1000 Euro) must include full details of all other income (including registration payments), grants and sponsorship agreed and/or received for the course or workshop.

If payment is needed urgently and the budget is not yet finalised, a provisional budget will be accepted as the basis for payment provided a finalised budget is provided within 6 months of receipt of the preliminary budget.

Applicants should note that, while ESPID accepts the principle that meetings may make a modest surplus (which must be reinvested in future educational activities directly related to Paediatric Infectious Diseases), second payments will be reduced, if necessary, to limit any total surplus to a maximum of 10% of the total final budget or 20% of the total ESPID award from this scheme for that event, whichever is smaller.

In the event that the individual or organisation subsequently applies for another award to conduct a further course or workshop, that application will need to include any surplus from the earlier course or workshop in its budget plan or to include a clear and detailed account and budget for how the surplus was used for other PID educational activities in the interim.

+ ESPID TRAINING AWARD SCHEME - REVIEW (click to open/close)

ESPID Training Course and Workshop Award Scheme will be subject to regular review. The regulations for awards may be altered in the future without prior notice. 

Applications Open 23 January 2025 Log in to apply
Applications Close 15 February 2025
Period CoveredEarly 2025